Hi guys, I found this url to access the Google Map tiles: http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=m&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} Does anyone know if there is a limit or not? Could it cause problem...
Hi, I have static html file on my domain, and I gave that file url to web app link for my bot, but when I change the html file, it doesn't change in telegram and load previous...
I use text align center for textfield, and it also have a prefixIcon, but text is not center in textfield center, it ignore icon for center is there any fix?
How can I put the lower tip of location icon exactly at the center of my widget? I try translate widget and move up shape by half size of its size, but still I have difference...
How to prevent caching in telegram web apps?
Can I create flutter warnings? I'm developing a package and I want show warning if user pass some special variables to my widget, Is it possible?
Hi I have sms validation in my app I send sms in this format code : 1234 ios keyboard automaticly detect this code and suggest it on the top of keyboard, it works on ios app, ...
Hi how to check if a process is running in background or foreground in bash script linux🤔?
Hi. Is ther any push notification sevice which doesn't depend on FCM (Firebase Messaging)?
How can I install .ipa file using adhoc service on real device?
Why screenshot? you can see all specitications here: https://www.gsmarena.com/xiaomi_redmi_note_7-9513.php
Hello to all I installed a version of Ubuntu that had music in its music folder, can anyone help me find this music?
Is ssd speed reach up to RAM?
Can anyone tell me a course to learn work with apis and web services in android programming?
Hi, How can i use a view like this? Which widget I should to use ?