I got a question, can someone hack into ur Linux server through a web browser? Say u host a flask web page with wsgi and someone access the page through web browser and someho...
There is a consolidation of libraries for python for all sort of stuffs? Like pygame for games, django for website. I want to know how much python can do.
Anybody here uses flutter?
So yeah, i heard about drupal go wth django for content management but not sure how good is it. Anyone got experience in using such combi?
How long would it take to do these kind of project? Does the product owner always change requirement? I heard horror stories
anyone have experience using django? is it as easy to update blog post as Jekyll?
What about csrf? Does it check if the form is being modified
How much do each project usually cost?
do you have experience using google cloud?
Opinion of django vs golang?
U let a skiddie in on purpose?