How to do this? To activate the improvements listed above, please vote for feature # 19 on Mainnet! The next activation window starts at height 3660001, which is expected to ...
So, SURF is nog yet available to buy?
Hi guys, is there something to get wx portfolio value statistics per date?
What’s the best way to buy a decent amount of usdn with usdt?
What is the best place to exchange usdt for usdn?
How long can it take for waves to come through when you send it via Binance to the waves exchange ?
Q: The unclaimed rewards of neutrino had a tooltip telling the amount of waves and usdn. When you claim, will it be payed out in both waves and usdn or will waves be payed out...
What is the best place to sell or swap a significant amount of WAVES to USDN?
What happens with the 90% nsbt fee you will pay now when unstaking nsbt?
Did you guys saw the shrimp trap order in the waves/nsbt order book of 10K? People are getting rekt selling NSBT at some point.. Just think twice when selling
How to connect waves wallet with curve?
Many swaps these days, testing instant swappin? ^^
I see a different amount for NSBT in rewards to claim and the amount after I have claimed it, is this normal?
Yes, but doing it manually takes time which opens a scenario that you’re too late (?)
Yea about NSBT, would we find some kind of statistics? it’s removed from the investment app
Communicating some kind of eta instead of ‘soon’ won’t hurt anything, they communicate it for the other projects too?
Whale is eating shrimps?
Can we just keep it like this? 🤪
And what if I took BSC network?