214 похожих чатов

How to do this? To activate the improvements listed above, please

vote for feature # 19 on Mainnet! The next activation window starts at height 3660001, which is expected to happen on 2023-05-26 at 05:00 UTC.

4 ответов

6 просмотров

Hi, only the nodes can submit the vote

NK- Автор вопроса

I know, I have a node just wanted to know how to perform the vote

I know, I have a node just wanted to know how to p...

@subwar could you provide here a manual to this guy, please?

I know, I have a node just wanted to know how to p...

You should edit your waves.conf file and restart your Node. See https://docs.waves.tech/en/waves-node/node-configuration#features-section

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