Hey folks, quick question, is there a downside to bot swapping to FET?
I'm seeing ocean air drops available in metamask when I look on etherscan..... anyone else? Seems fishy
NFT marketplace on Avalanche worth looking at?
hello everyone, looking for some feedback on staking rewards, how is it going for you? how are you selcting what you are staking in?
Hi. Bit of an emergency here. Why can't I send avax from coinbase to my avax wallet?
hello. what happens if i send erc-20 UST to terrastation wallet that is a terra address? Is there a bridge somewhere or will it do it automatically?
Ya, gotta find some accounts to follow so I see more. Any decent TG groups for general Avalanche NFT eco stuff?
Where does the AVAX team stand with all these pump and dumps on their ecosystem? SAGE currently offering like 6 trillion APY... Like come on guys
ok, got another question. so i just bought an NFT on KNOWWHERE via terrastation, the luna payment went through. so where is the nft? how to add to wallet or see in wallet?
Hello, anyone know if there is a terrra eco NFT chat somewhere?
also, whats a decent nft marketplace in AVAX eco?
dumb question, where can i swap bluna for ust?