Hey guys, is there a new guide to swap and add liquidity in the platform? When I click the Exchange and Liquidity icons, they send me to pancakeswap page. Is this the new norm...
Why is it whenever i ask a question here, some scammer will try to call me?
Hi! Is the testflight for blockbrawler updated yet?
Hi @fatboy_mobox, i listed my avatar in galler that i received from my vembox, but it has a token I D similar to someone else’s avatar, so when I listed it changed into a fema...
Hi @fatboy_mobox, where do i find instructions on how to withdraw the rewards from staking in LP? Is there a minimum amount?
@fatboy_mobox, is there a chance my brother’s account will be banned if we use the same wifi? It’s a bit frightening for family members to invest since there is a multi-accoun...
Who handles MOBOX’s reddit? Can you check this post and delete it if it leads to a scam link? https://www.reddit.com/r/Mobox/comments/uyib2n/mobx_analysis_predictions/?utm_so...
@MOBOX_admin @fatboy_mobox which wallet will momoverse use? Box wallet?
Does TM match based on power or rank?
Guys, how do i check mbox transaction logs similar to bscscan? Like transactions from “binance to metamask” or “metamask to metamask”?
Scammers already have moland https://mobox.sale/ And they’re half sold out. Anyway to take the site down?
@fatboy_mobox, i can’t seem to find the mobox ios app in app store. Did something happen?