Guys, I have an application in .Net where I need to search a query based on what the user chooses on dropdowns. There are 8 choices, A user can choose to select one, or even ...
I cloned a project on Azure devops and am getting package reference errors. Error NU1101 Unable to find package InvoiceAutomationCommon. No packages exist with this id in so...
When I publish .NET CORE web Api on IIS . I get blank page. What could be the issue?
Hi , how do i define relationship say for an item having several attributes? For instance product A has the following attributes ;Color-White,Size-6', etc
Hey guys, am new to docker and Kubernetes, now I have successfully built the image and deployed to the Kube..I need to understand how DB works, we have DB hosted elsewhere, Ho...
What is the best way to invoke third party api from your api? say fro every end point you have you must invoke their corresponding endpoint too.
You are given a list P of average share prices for a particular stock for each day in a given year. Your goal is to buy 1 share and later sell it at maximum profit. Formulate ...
Hey guys... I created this method to check if there'd any empty textbox but it's not stopping even when there's one empty. Any recommendations?
Any better representation of this? Further more, how do you represent public List<string> task_types { get; set; } in database?
Guys how do I set session data in razor page which I can retrieve in Razor model?
Hey am a .Net dev and feeling that am currently at a plateau level. Not learning much. What can I do to boost my learning curve and enjoy?
Is someone allowed to ask for a job opportunity here?
My question is , shouldn't task be on their own table? Just like HoursAvailable?
When I add something to my dB say I stored procedure... I have to update my models from the dB.. Hence I'm losing my custom made models. Is there a work around?
Has anyone worked with audio files?
How would you advise someone to learn more than one language? For instance I have learned c# mvc framework not expert level but I feel I should learn another language concurre...
hi guys [HttpGet][ Route("departments/depID")] [HttpGet][ Route("systemusers/username")] am getting an error that Multiple controller types were found that match the URL.......
Visual studio restarts every time I try adding a new dataset/datasource in report designer.. What could be the issue? Visual studio 2017
How can I search dropdown list in c#?
Can I send a code here then someone explains to me?