It’s not on it in the United States? Admin do you know why?
Terra team, Is this a BUG in Terra Station? I changed my password and the new password works when logging in BUT when I go to confirm a transaction I have to use my old passwo...
Where is our weekly airdrop?????
What if merchants started accepting UST because it was a cheaper payment system for their business and also MasterCard used UST as a back end because it was cheaper for them t...
Wen withdraw available on Kucoin? Wen staking available in Coin Metro?
Guys if I want to instantly switch BLuna back to LUNA how much of a hit do I take?
Bluna/Luna LP…when do we start seeing rewards. I’ve had it in for a week?
Mirror team, why can’t we claim the weekly airdrop on the mirror site any more?
Can someone post a link to the Lunatics forum?
AG…I have a pylon airdrop that shows on my wallet but it does not allow me to claim. When I try and claim it states I’ve claimed all airdrop…any ideas?
Admin, do you know what’s going on with the Luna staker airdrop?
Why is Kadena not on in the United States?
Wen bATOM bSOL bDOT bOSMO? Audit has to be over…right Anchor team…right?
Why can we claim the weekly airdrop on the mirror site anymore?