Is this the bottom for DFI? Or better to wait longer.
Ok now that hex is going back down. How much further will it drop yall think? I wanna buy in soon.
Anyone has any idea what will happen to eHex when Pulse chain comes out?
There aint no way it will go less then 12 cent right? If u sell and hold usdc do you still get a copy on pulse chain?
While I am waiting for pls to plsX to come out. Is anyone getting Luna at current prce rn? Dunno if I should drop a 50 just to see.. And how come ppl don't want pls to releas...
So nobody knows what will be more valuable. Pls or plsX?
Dip stopped? Damn.
It's officially bear market ain't it?
Is it better to hold ethereum to get the copied over then HEX?
Is it better to sac some of the eHEX rn to get a better return in the future?
How much total was sacrificed for pls before this?
Just wanted make sure if you can transfer dfi from kucoin to cakedefi?
Can I buy DFI on metamask?
How come its not listed as top 7 or 6 in coinmarketcap?
I tried to buy HEX token using Hex Exchange. It took took my gas fee but i don't see my hex tokens. Strange it said approved transaction? I used usdc. Has gone through this is...
If eth gas fees are 140 gwei it cost 140 usd? to swap usdc to hex?
Man since getting into crypto in April 2021. I haven't even doubled my money lol. Who here is in same boat?
Guys. Are we dipping below 6.5c? Good time to buy now?
Anyone good with computers here?
Any predictions on what will happen to eHex when pulsechain comes out?