what's the difference in method of privacy preservation between Oasis, SCRT and Phala. Anyone know???
Also, I read that Oasis is running an EVM compatible paratime but apparently this will not have any of the TEE privacy features? Is that accurate? If so, what's the reason for...
What is the emeris/gravity dex LP apy? And can anyone give me a good explanation of the differences btn using gravity dex vs osmo. Other than one is directly built into atom a...
Blows me away how stagnant akash is price wise. Anyone got explanations?
Anyone having issues withdrawing elrond from binance??
Also, if I withdraw, is it to the injective wallet address on my metamask? Is that on the eth network, or is it its own blockchain
that's not a mistake? damnn... any reason it's so low?? Are there rewards or other incentives for staking such as airdrops that I'm missing
I've read somewhere that ergo is investigating privacy. What solution are they using? TEEs, MPC, ZK ?
I'd love to hear what the most popular projects on cosmos are from people/the projects people feel are most important. Anyone know where this has been polled before/anyone wan...
I'm so curious. Why does COSMOS seem to be the only blockchain that really has so many airdrops???
Where on the website? I signed up to the newsletter ages ago but that's it?
OK last (hopefully) q. Are there still snapshots for airdrops planned? Otherwise I want to try provide liquidity but before I u stake want to confirm that's not dumb
AGIX can be transferred to metamask, is that correct?
are there any admins/devs here who can answer some questions about the network/protocol/TEEs etc?
Hmmm so basically then won't all the locked mex go into staking lkmex, which will tank the apy?
Even so, that doesn't seem like enough of a reason... When is the eth bridge scheduled?
is the graviton token tradeable anywhere yet?
Gotcha. Are there lock in times for LP providing?
What % of atom is staked?
like1% annually?