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What is the emeris/gravity dex LP apy? And can anyone

give me a good explanation of the differences btn using gravity dex vs osmo. Other than one is directly built into atom and the other is its own IBC chain

2 ответов

8 просмотров

There isn’t much APY on the beta version of Emeris/GDex more incentives to come

Gravity DEX is a state of the art exchange protocol that anyone can build on, at the heart of the Interchain — Cosmos Hub. It will use a novel algorithm that intelligently combines liquidity pool and order-book mechanisms to provide value to atom stakers. The Gravity DeX protocol will have a more conservative process to include new users, eventually growing beyond swaps and pools to an order book style tool, using a new algorithm called ESPM and with its governance decided by Atom Stakers, being on the Cosmos Hub. Emeris will be the first user-interface to interact with this protocol. Osmosis is an off hub “AMM-maker” with experimental characteristics including multi chain pools that allow you to not only earn fees but participate in liquidity pool governance that are made possible because of its sovereign nature as a stand alone chain that will have a more reiterative process governed by the OSMO token.

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