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So is Proposal #824 for the Air Drop a scam?

I’m not new at all to crypto, but I think I did just get phished for 1269 ATOM :(( I was staking through Keplr wallet delegated to Allnodes and then I started staking directly through Allnodes and Monitored it as well. I saw 2 Governance Proposals at the time, and I had never had experience voting on proposals for ATOM etc, nor anything about them which is my fault I guess for not doing research. But there was no warnings of the proposal being a scam, anywhere on Reddit, the offical Cosmis twitter, etc anywhere on the Internet. Cosmos’s main website even says that scam proposals will usually I forget the wording, have a warning of them being a scam.

Anyways, here is my wallet address: cosmos17q9pspnnzyjguz0x5wfuampa8xaa9l7kczdkal

(For anyone kind of enough to help, and it’s strange if it was a scammer that I assume, he didn’t completely drain the wallet…).

I have tried tracing it and I’m a bit confused to what actually happened. I DID for reference put it in 12 word recovery phrase into the Proposal but I assumed (which again is my fault) that all proposals would be safe, unless possibly marked as a scam. And again I did my research and couldn’t find any info on it being a scam, so I proceeded).

I am also confused as to how the coins would have been moved so quickly if I was compromised, if they were staked/delegated…

Again any help, very much appreciated but I did contact support already they are just not available at the moment. I have the URLs if needed too.

4 ответов

27 просмотров

yes any proposal citing airdrop and telling you to click a link is a scam

also bruh

Fast Liquid module staking makes it easy for scammers to move your staked atoms into their pockets within minutes

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