How many people are active in eden? 200? How many total token holders are there, tens of thousands? So a tiny group of eden people are going to control a proxy that decides...
Can someone please confirm (1) is there an MIT open-source version of EOSIO to maintain/grow, (2) B1 has stopped developing a public version of EOSIO, and (3) assuming there i...
A road to decentralized governance? EOS needed that in place at genesis. It's too late now; the patient is on a respirator at this point. Let's watch this centralized Hail ...
can we please (pretty please with sugar on top) have a full IntelliJ IDEA plug-in for EOSIO development, with a real source-level debugger— please? Just like the rest of the ...
Hey, could the ENF be rebranding EOS to Fractal? LOL. Someone's working on it, but, alas, it's throwing a 503 right now:
I still have my pink pin, do you?
200 people in a zoom call pyramid scheme?