210 похожих чатов

Can someone please confirm (1) is there an MIT open-source

version of EOSIO to maintain/grow, (2) B1 has stopped developing a public version of EOSIO, and (3) assuming there is an MIT version of EOSIO, does Eden help assure there will be a way to continue developing EOSIO without B1? Everything around EOSIO continues to move, so EOSIO needs to continue moving as well to avoid atrophy. Will joining Eden help assure EOSIO is independently supported and extended?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

1 is correct. 2 is not officially announced, but there are all signs of this happening. On the 3, Eden has no relationship to EOSIO development. There's a number of developers figuring out how to proceed, and the Clarion team is preparing a proposal and a roadmap

Trent-, Sonata Systems, Inc. Автор вопроса
cc32d9 | EOS Amsterdam
1 is correct. 2 is not officially announced, but t...

Thanks for the reply— regardless of any other factor— EOSIO is valuable and needs to be supported and extended publicly, a main community clone of EOSIO that everyone, including sister chains, can help maintain and extend.

Trent-, Sonata Systems, Inc. Автор вопроса

We're willing to join Eden or support Clarion or whatever it takes to ensure EOSIO continues to grow publicly.

Trent , Sonata Systems, Inc.
We're willing to join Eden or support Clarion or w...

With or without Eden, there are many ways to support the community

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