So guys where do we start in our ALBT journey? Any bullish signals in days to come?
When are we getting news of L1 chain bridge partner? The one Rachid Ajaj tweeted on 8th Nov?
is there any estimate of volume coming to ALBT DEX? what roles does ALBT play?
how do you compare ALBT to Uniswap's UNI. At DEX level they play the role of equals. But a bit more as UNI is doing swaps between only ETH tokens whereas ALBT DEX will go beyo...
@Agorajix Hello Chief. Does AllianceBlock have any plans of implementation towards OriginTrail(TRAC) comprehensive eco systems?
So the great grand Alliance guys! This project looks too ambitious with all the partnerships and cross chain bridges. Where do you guys see the ALBT price by year end? Honest ...