Why if if plan a new hex stake it shows me projected 20% APY but when I actually stake it the real stake shows about 10% yield per year? for example i have 100k hex and stake ...
How can I remove funds on old v1 system? I know it got hacked and that’s probably why it’s site access is down. Is there a way to see my old funds there and remove them?
Where can I find the info of how much hex is staked and how much stake ends at what time?
So at the Moment one can buy DeFiChain digital Silver ( DSLV ) for half the Dollars than market Price ? Market price silver is 21 usd and a swap from usdt to dslv 10 usd.
Makes total sense. Why would we rule that possibility out ?
Do the rewards of a stake get paid out slowly over time or does it all get paid at the end of a stake together with your stake being returned ?
What is the cheapest way to convert BTC into HEX?