only thing I can think of at the moment, is the router's isolating wifi clients from other clients on the network. Also shouldn't there a Listen 80 line in /opt/lampp/etc/htt...
is there a virtualbox howto on gpu passthrough?
what does AT&T use SSH for? 🤔
Why would it be spam?? Did you even bother to check it out?
why would anyone in their right mind run a browser as root, especially tor browser?
let me guess, you have nvidia? it's nvidia's fault for not delivering on promises they said 5 years ago
4.09 or 4.9?
"Whats is ur vendor ?" ASRock. "Do u have a laptop or desktop" Desktop
what compiler? Python doesn't compile, it interprets
May I forward a poll asking what's your daily driver? here?
what gui frontend of qemu is recommended?
is it okay to talk BSDs in here? Or is it Linux only here
is OVMF currently broken in Arch?
are the ping times consistent on other wifi devices?
any decent flight sim game that is free software?
ping? or reply to? An @ is considered a ping though
qemu can boot vdi yes?
Is it POSIX compliant?
what hash does Arch salt with?
what does iptables -L show?