Ladies and gentlemen - straight to you from the team that brings you your Daily Telos Report. This is the snowy new Heart Farms region - White Rock Ranges. Perhaps a cooler...
Hi All - thought I read somewhere that Telos has managed to perform 15,000 transactions a second. Can anyone confirm if this thinking is correct?
My own Emerald Farms Inc. is looking to buy up all the adjacent virtual farmland at King's Canyon south. Could you all please avoid gazumping me for next 4 days. Thanks. ...
Heart Farms - Project Development Update 😁
Has anyone heard from Rory M? Missing lots of blocks. Not responding to DMs. I hope he is okay.
Hello top three BPs - @DAPPerD @foflexity @Infinityblocio - it looks like there is some questionable bidding going on at namebids - kucointelos and gate?? I don't know if th...
Are there any representatives of Telos Kitchen here please?