How much guys you think avatars for vemobox gona cost?
Can i bind moboxwalet and metamask to the same mobox acc? Becouse when i try to bind my metamask comes error that its already bound, but i never bounded my metamask to my ac...
My two epic chars one got from brawl island othere for spending 10 mobox? Can i bound it or only from summos and market i can do that to heros?
What ways to get books in chainz from guild shop what else?
And how can we win legendary momo? Balls wont dissapear after event?
when momos appear?
How do you think guys how much vembox gona be needed to get avatar?
Can you give link to web?
Modragons live?
Amm so will we get in molandefence burn mechanizm for 5 stars?
somehow i cant login to my acc any one else having this trouble?
Guys if i have 19k vemobox will i get airdrop or i need 36k?
only purple items ar left otheres are delete ?
guys at what stages you are at chainz?
Snapshot has been taken 😀?
Or the core system changed?