Can someone explain this lockup period to me like I'm 5? Right now I can unstake for no fee (except network fees). Starting December it will be locked except I can choose to u...
Well. Excuse my ignorance here. But how would I use metamask if the funds I have staked and on contract were done using walletconnect?
Hey team do your orders expire over time? I noticed I had some limited orders that are no longer open
Well I'm connected to terminal via metamask right now. And my trust wallet funds are not there. So please tell me what it is I'm supposed to do next if not import my wallet? L...
Wait maybe I read it wrong. What was confusing me was the random 14 days at the start of December you're forced into. But is it that starting December if you decide to stake t...
Silly question. But do trades count that get settled into contract for the competition? I already had a balance so I made a depositless trade but the funds ended up in contrac...
What would be the benefit of not burning the bonus?
Anyone else still having issues with wallet connect? I literally can't do anything all day on the terminal 😔..