Hi website owners, How do you track activities and traffic on your website?
Backend Stripe guys, what’s the usual flow for your integration Is it to create payment intent, store in db then wait for webhook to get triggered?
Hi guys, which free/cheap media upload service would you advise I go for? I’m bootstrapping and I’m needing as much free resources as possible
Guys, what’s the most expensive part of your budget for your business/startup/app/website?
Postgres users, Raw queries or ORMs? Thinking of using raw queries all through
Anyone have a good link/book that talks about systems design with lots of case studies/examples?
Has anyone successfully installed Postgres on ARM Oracle instance? I am trying to start it up and I'm getting: sudo: unknown user: postgres sudo: error initializing audit plug...
How do you guys collect and store addresses in the db?
Hi guys Does anyone know the Flow/processes apps like google photo & apple photo use in recognizing and identifying photos? And how they index those data Trying to work on s...
The way Node now supports built-in env support (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v20.6.0), how can one integrate it into NestJS? Or we still have to use the config.ts route
Hi guys, is this true?
Has anyone run a small model LLM locally before? Was your laptop able to handle it well without delayed responses? I am trying the mistral 7B model on my dell laptop (core i5,...
Hi guys, what is the best way to automatically append a created_at and updated_at data in postgresql?
Does anyone have a backend project I can work on? Would love to add that to my portfolio
Hi guys Is it best to run cron job on the backend codebase for periodic actions or it's best is done from the database (e.g stored procedure)?
Has anyone worked on package tracking project before? How were you able to integrate APIs of all the shipping companies please
Guys what’s your most preferred input validator in nodeJs?
Hi guys, so I’m trying to add an expiration date(in days) to a createdAt field in mongoose So expires_on = createdAt + numberInDays But can’t seem to get it working How bes...
Hi guys, I'm trying to add an Audit trail system to my codebase: I want admin to be able to trace what action each user perfoms from login to maybe purchase of something. How...
Hi guys, what’s the best way you store environment variables? I’m making use of the env variables across different folders in the same project. Is it best to set the variables...