In apache airflow i am trying to impliment an etl process. I wany to get the list of stores from the db, then for each store get sales data, fetch weather data from ext. api...
Hello all, i am working on shops inventory and sales management system as a sas model. (django + postgresql) In the database design of the same, the only way i can think of...
I have read this online but didn't quite understand it. suppose a bill comes with 3 items. in a denormalized form it will take 3 inserts in same table (one for each item). But...
I am using gitlab ci pipeline and is deploying using docker. But i am confused how to manage the config files (the one with all passwords) currently i am copying it manual t...
When should i think about using hadoop, spark etc? Like i am building a sales analytics sas platform. Currently i am developing on django and postgresql. It basically stores ...
Hey guys, I am doing a multi variate time series forecasting using lstm (sales data + weather + events ). So should i give the lagged version of sales as a feature? Or does ...
I see, thanks. Out of curiosity, Is there any other way in which this can be architected?
Is there a way to log a msg in python only when a variable is true? I don't want to write "if" before every log statement
Any specific cons of using supervisor? I use it for django
Any examples? aws secrets is very costly