When using express.js for creating RESTFul and sending back JSON, How can I use progress-bar in front? I'm searching for a couple of hours now, And the only thing that I coul...
I'm using Postgresql for my new project, some kind of accounting management system. But now in final steps, I have doubt if I chose right. After reading this, The doubt became...
No, I didn't want to use progress bar for JSON; I wanted to send progress the moment request gets to server, server prepares JSON, and then send it back to user. But from what...
Is there anyway to cache small tables like table_status with a few rows, for INNER JOINing to other big tables in Postgresql? table_status: id: 1, label: pending; id: 2, labe...
Is it good practice to use 1 letter words as name and set an alias for each one in Mongodb? l: { type: String, index: true, alias: 'lastName' },
Hi I don't know much about Nosql. Wanted to know is it wise to use nosql for blog or sites with a fixed schema?
I was reading about attacks and somewhere said we have to stingify json objects to prevent server attacks. How stingify prevent this and how should we implement it?
So it means if we embed author name in post document, and subscribe it, If author changed their name, We could tell Mongo to change all the posts as well?
As I understand, In large databases we can't do join neither. So I think in every large-scale app, We have to use this model. Am I right?
Hi, I want to create a REST api with logins and all (Don't know how yet) Is it better to use express, or another framework like adonis?
Ok, Now you've worked more than me with NoSQLs. If you wanted to do a CMS, You'd go with Mongo embeding thing, Or Graph?
I'm reading about Material-Ui & JSS for React and working with it. Is there any way to share a class between components?
So what should we do? Is there a pattern or something that I have to know? Or just have to use another db?
That's what I had in my mind. But if an auther changed his name, We have to update every post, Don't we?
So what the hell happens when someone changes lets say their address?!
So in Graph, It's not like embeding, and more like referencing?
Well that's hard! So using a SSD makes rdbms works fine until 1 TB?
That's right, So GraphDB doesn't need such a thing?
I don't get it yet, Could you explain a little?
So it's harder to create an api in adonis?