I'm looking for a database that would suit my needs. I want to log some data, in order to see change over time. In order to conserve space, I'd store revisions, containing on...
Has anyone here used knex? I have a problem with date serialization. I use knex as my query builder, only. When knex uses my Date object, it will use the local time version. ...
I’ve seen this syntax used, but I’m not familiar with it from any other language I know. new SomeClass.SomeMemberOrSubClassIDontKnow () { // code } What is this? What is t...
Hi. I need some hopefully quick help. I need to deliver a file from outside the webserver. I'm doing this by taking the name of the file I want as a query parameter. The pro...
I have a linting problem with Vue and jsx. Does anyone have a solution to the 'h' is defined but never used no-unused-vars linting error you get when using render: h => <jsx...
So you recommend not using the mysql type DATETIME, and instead use an INT to hold a unixtime number?
Why don’t you count php? Thomas Rory ?
In what world is 4 < 3 true?
Logged as in logged because it was unhandled? Because it will be handled, but not in this context. I want to log that it failed in this context.
What do you mean by freezing execution? Do you want the execution to pause, or to stop and never resume?
When doing development in a CJS env, you can do stuff like const app = require('express')();. Is there an ES module equivalent?
What is not dry about that line? That you have to specify the type? Do you think it should be implicit?
https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=lodash,javascript You see the exact same dip here
If it is due to differing V8 apis, how come chrome, using V8, can use module syntax?
I think I’d stick to only minifying. Is the need to decrease file size that pressing?
Are you looking for a code quality review, or ways to make it more efficient?
What do you mean? What are you really after? What is the end goal?
If your router is in vue, how could you not handle meta tags and pages with it?
How certain are you that your validation actually works?
Do you understand the difference between minifying and ugifying?