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I’ve seen this syntax used, but I’m not familiar with

it from any other language I know.
new SomeClass.SomeMemberOrSubClassIDontKnow () {
// code

What is this?
What is the name of this syntax pattern?

2 ответов

5 просмотров

there is an inner class in SomeClass

This is nested static class. In java docs they differentiate terms "inner" and "nested", and I may be intermixing them, but the real difference: one type is static, another ones are not. Static nested classes are used way much often. I can't remember that I've ever seen non-static ever in some real world projects. Assuming this is a *static* inner class, basically outer class serves as a namespace for the inner class. Nothing more. Examples: if (packet.type == SipPacket.Type.HANDSHAKE) { ... status = Http.Status.OK If you're talking about non-static inner classes (whatever they are officially called), this is another story

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