Does anyone have a favourite resource to learn Java as someone that already is a Software developer?
I have a laptop that doesn't allow me to use a keyboard. Any idea? The built in keyboard doesn't work, neither do external keyboards work. Mice do work the ports have no probl...
It's just.. idk I've only ever provided scripts or web based solutions lol. I want to make a little CLI program for myself though and share it with the community. Can I just u...
first of all dont ever link your instagram on a business oriented portfolio. as far as i understood this is for the job so facebook and linkedin are fine but why instagram? al...
s/((([aeiou]|(?<![aeiou])y(?![aeiou]))|(\B[aeiou]|(?<![aeiou])y(?![aeiou])))([aeiou]|(?<![aeiou])y(?![aeiou]))([^aeiouy .,'"\n()\[\]{}])(([aeiou]|(?<![aeiou])y(?![aeiou]))([^a...
I have a question that is kinda weird to google. Can you type an alias and make it so the alias breaks down into the command it aliases? so lets say I have the alias alias pac...
is there any free way to selectively sync gdrive on linux?
Does anyone know about a Text Editor on Windows without features like spellingcheck and all that other unnecessary stuff? We're allowed to use out tablets in the german classe...
what do u guys use for mail? i dont think im ready for mutt
What OS would you guys use on a portable linux ssd/hdd? (Psst probably going to use arch anyways {stickerWithTongueOut})
May be sligthly off topic but do you people know about, or maybe have a favourite, game that sends a message? You know that hits you right in the feels.
Does anyone know about a viable free antivirus for Win7?
#!/bin/bash cd ~/Backups/Packagelists mv packagelist.txt packagelist.txt_$(date +%d%b%Y) mv packagelistdesc.txt packagelistdesc.txt_$(date +%d%b%Y) tar cvzf packagelists.t...
How do I boot from disc in oracle virtualbox? I've missed something in my arch installation and need to chroot in through the live usb again but it just doesn't boot from disc
@leCondor just css only supports that afaik. you can adjust the numbers to something like 1225px. something you could try (i doubt ure going to do that) is use modernizr. a J...
Do you know what I need to install on the usb to make it work on as many devices as possible? My guess is all graphics drivers. Anything else?
Can you guys recommend any interesting tech related books? Maybe something about sysadmin or webdev.
does it matter if I while(true)or for(;;)for infinite loop? I prefer the latter since it's shorter but does it make a difference?
does anyone know about a way to basically code live with someone? a friend wanted a java lesson from me but my internet is way to bad to stream my desktop. is there any way to...
That may be a shitty time to ask but does anyone here successfully use cloud services for data?