169 похожих чатов

It'S just.. idk I've only ever provided scripts or web

based solutions lol. I want to make a little CLI program for myself though and share it with the community. Can I just use python or node and try n get a binary out of the script? xd or should I go and learn C or use Rust. Maybe that's my opportunity to get back into learning Rust.

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Why would you try to make a binary out of a python script?

you don't need to make a binary, you can just publish your python/node file with a dependency to python/node, so when the users install it they will be able to execute it just put a proper shebang in your files and they will open correctly

Crypto Caevee- Автор вопроса
you don't need to make a binary, you can just publ...

So I can just write my script and publish it without converting? Cool

Crypto Caevee
So I can just write my script and publish it witho...

yes, linux can execute scripts seamlessly as long as the interpreter is in the shebang (and installed ofc) you can even configure a linux distro to execute .jar files, windows programs or even programs for others architectures, seamlessly (see binfmt)

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