169 похожих чатов

Hi guys, I'm looking for a good LLM course. Is

there any course to learn LLMs in advanced? I'm aiming to use them in my apps, so a perfect course in my openion, is not only a course for learning LLMs, but also gives us ideas for using them in our products.

I would be greatful if you guys introduce me some courses ❤️

14 ответов

21 просмотр

did you mean AI?

Taha- Автор вопроса
Mr Thieves
did you mean AI?

Actually, I'm locking for some courses about Generative AI. I want to learn some basics, about how to integrate models in our apps, Not just using their API (For example chatgpt API, etc...), I want to learn some basics, like RAG, Agent creation, function calling, prompting, and all in all, I want to learn how they can integrate to our apps, how they can improve our UX and product, challenges, testing flows, etc...

Taha- Автор вопроса
Actually, I'm locking for some courses about Gener...

As you know, using GenAI now a days are as easy as calling the GPT API. However, We need to learn some product concepts before starting integrating them into our products. Thats why I'm searching for a practical course.

Taha- Автор вопроса

Basicly, I want to use GPT api, but not just using it like the way people normaly use (just sending the prompt, and showing the result). But i want to learn the concepts first, like Fine-tuning, RAG, etc...

Basicly, I want to use GPT api, but not just using...

ok then wait for someone that know about that.

Basicly, I want to use GPT api, but not just using...

I recommend you read about Transformers, retrievers and DEnse passage retrievers fine running. Vector databases, and depending on your niche you could address a sentiment analysis, text generation, question answering… etc

Basicly, I want to use GPT api, but not just using...

Wanna learn something? Simply google it....

Taha- Автор вопроса
Malware ( DM = BLOCK )
Wanna learn something? Simply google it....

LOL! That is what we are doing currently! I just asked to check if there is a complete course that you guys participated and learned from it. It's better to have all things in one pack rather than looking for all of them separated. I wasn't meant to bother you guys, We already know this 3 amazing website: https://google.com https://letmegooglethat.com https://usethefuckinggoogle.com

LOL! That is what we are doing currently! I just...

You could check the ml group, but it is kind of dead

LOL! That is what we are doing currently! I just...


Taha- Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 🪷 ↺
Machine learning group

Wow, I checked thedevs.network but did not found this group link. Thanks.

Wow, I checked thedevs.network but did not found t...

If an group isn't active, the owner removes it.

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