Is the part of URL that is after # sent to the server? I have a service that saves some data and creates a link, and I want it to encrypt that data on frontend side before se...
What embedded scripting language you can recommend (or recommend not to touch) for a video game? I was trying to integrate Lua into my game, but it is a bit tough language to...
Is using postincrement like this in variadic expansion correct? Clion flags it as value of postincrement never used, but I think it is false-positive template<typename T, typ...
Anyone familiar with unsafe Rust? I'm writing a simple container type as an internal storage for another type. It is something like Vec, but stores 3 different internal arrays...
How would you write in CV in a couple of words that you were the guy who cared about performance and tested for perf regressions? Like "performance testing" but not only testi...
Что вообще за extern class? extern применяется к глобальным переменным, не к классам
Hm, do you know what I can use if I want to send the latest logs of execution from one thread to another? I want to read in a non-blocking way, and I want not more than latest...
Hi, I continue reading The Rust Programming Language book and it shows the next code as an example: use std::collections::HashMap; let text = "hello world wonderful w...
Я расскажу с самого начала тогда, думаю вам тоже будет интересно. В общем, есть такой механизм как git worktree. Обычно репозиторию соответствует одна рабочая копия (либо ни ...
Have someone worked with opengl and multithreaded games? I'm working on a 2D game and previously was doing everything in one thread, now I want to move rendering to a separat...
Is there a way to write code like this in a shorter form? let a = if let Some(b) = &c { if let Some(d) = b.e { calcSome(d) } else { 0 } } else { ...
I guess it's C++ unless C got templates. I wonder why people being taught to write code like it's C, to show the pain first?
Hi, I have a system that consists of many containers with dynamically polymorphic objects. Right now every container has two methods: to serialize and deserialize its content....
Has anyone tried this? I wonder if there's any difference with Clion/IDEA with Rust plugin
Есть вероятность, что нужно будет ещё так забирать правки из того репо? Вообще ребейз тут как раз я бы не советовал делать, а как раз чистый мерж. То есть подключить к вашему...
Нет, не нужно дублировать их между списками. Я не очень понимаю, что это за терминальные команды, но приведу на примере который мне проще представить. К примеру у нас есть наб...
Is there any case when std::unordered_map::insert can be preferable compared to emplace in case I have the key and the value as separate variables before and don't have the st...
Can I consider this warning a compiler bug and just wait for when ubuntu will get a newer version of gcc? Can't understand what it is about, repros only in specific cases (the...
Is it considered ok using shadowing in rust programs? I know in many languages where shadowing is allowed it considered to be a bad practice, but I see that in The Rust Progr...
So, anyone participated Ludum Dare this weekend? :) We made a pretty obvious endless runner (endless faller? 😄) this time (doesn't suppor...