and I still don't get it, what's a application programming interface? 😄
How to build a private API for getting other informations from a website, what aren't offered by public API?
It's about to collect information from the inspector from html body, right?
You scrap it
Want to build an API but don't know what's an API?
That's how it all start.
Program A wants to talk with component B. An API defines a standard so that component B gets all information it needs to return the Information A requests. The component B can be an external library, an webservice or even the OS.
What is actually the issue that you are facing and what are you trying to achieve?
I've to rebuild a system, I already did in another version of me. It's quite complicated to rewrite it in a small sentence. I've just to write the code and stop talking about it. 😄
You have to rebuild this system on your own? No team? Why rebuild the system in the first place? Why it need to be rebuilt?
I've to embrace a woman again.
Are you referring to an actual software system?or are you using technical lingo as a metaphor for something unrelated, in a kind of cringey way?
I don't know the correct logical answer right now that would satisfy us.
Just continue with Friendszone
Already friendzoned her. ^^ Thank you for the advice.
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