I'm going to set up a read-only evonode today. Preference ubuntu or windows?
any info on hardware requirements for running an evonode?
When Dash Evolution is actually live, what is the gameplan to showcase it? How can we (community) help?
Where does one see that stats regarding number of online masternodes and evonodes?
Question: on a long stake (5555 days) the unstaking fees are crazy high. Ether 2.0 will obviously be out by then, are we expecting the gas fees to be reasonable to unstake by ...
Has the snapshot for pHEX happened yet? I'm assuming we will get credited pHEX staked or unstaked :)
Does HEX have a discord? Or a place to discuss possible ideas to grow the community?
Where can we see the penalties for emergency unstaking?
Is HEX on Coinbase? I have friends claiming they got some there...
Is the RH debate tomorrow?
All the sac totals are good to go correct? Just cleaning up some code from geth?
I got a simple but important question: what was the inspiration behind the name HEX?
Where do we check sacrifice address for Pulse?
Richards YouTube back up?
Link to debate?
HEX received for 1 Ether?
Richard streaming tonight???
Does Trezor support Monero?
Should we move to the Truth platform?
Is unstaking that much more gas?