@fatboy_mobox good morning :) where can we claim our guide contest avatar? Would love to make vids about later, showing off some gameplay asap
I have listened to the whole AMA interview, one QQ @fatboy_mobox about guilds, would your teamates be able to upgrade the NFT? Like if they have gems but no NFT, the NFT they...
So guys, just a QQ, if you are an extremist, what would you get first? 1) take vemBOX + mbox-bnb serious (to farm insane raffle amount, also passive mbox), 2) take TM seriou...
does chests automatically open on CZ mobox edition?
my BSC wallet got hacked, is there anything maybe devs can do to send my NFTs to another wallet? You can see on my BSCscan that it took them 3 seconds to remove my bnb again f...
raffle box ending soon, how long do we have to claim before it gets wiped?
Any decent CZ guild recruiting? 38k BP, 7.3k HP
Why is panzer always looking so sad?
are you kidding me? I lost, tried this boss for a full day :/
Heyo :) howz panzer today?
@fatboy_mobox will there be a CZ swap for mbox-MEC? Swear I did read it somewhere but cant find it anywhere
Q4 of last year, veMBOX DAO Voting Platform, is this still a working progress?
is there a way to get legendary gear without crafting it with mbox as payment?
How do I participate in the guide giveaway for CZ?
open daily? :D nah I open each week when I get my boxes from raffles
7 boxes a week, thats insane, hopefully you save them for xmas event?
cant login into bb, can anyone else?
does anyone here know exactly what will happen with adventure points next season? how much exactly will get carried over to season 2
any ETA on how long CZ maintenance will be? would love to claim my staked island mbox and MEC to upgrade in MD
140k BP? How is this even possible?