Any idea how this can be done?
I have a couple of questions regarding this opencv python code. 1.) The function gets called at CV.mousecallback() and the program enters the while loops until the program en...
What can I learn in less than a year that will get me a half decent job? (Other than web development, even waiters get paid more than web devs here)
What are the advantages of that? I got a project involving communicating with some hardware, processing info and storing in a DB and using a website and application to access ...
Can someone give me some suggestions for final year computer science projects? I have a group of 5 people and we have around 1 year to do it
So if kotlin is the future of Android what is Java good for now?
Is there a way to make a program that detects which process is listening to keyboard inputs? (Detecting a keylogger after it's already running?)
Does anyone know why we need to pass a parser such as lxml in beautifulsoup when we make a object? I thought beautifulsoup was a parser itself.. Why would it need another pars...
Does anyone know if there's a decent documentation of pyqt5? The official one on riverbank computing is pretty bad, lots of incomplete stuff
What kind of apps?
Do you have any suggestions for any such softwares? I'm having a hard time thinking of things to build
Was it really? I thought they just had to pay to use it
How does that compare to Django?
So learn data science in general?
What is Java used for these days?