169 похожих чатов

Any idea how this can be done?

21 ответов

10 просмотров

Are you seriously asking?

Easy! First, you have to develop and engineer a time machine to go back and forth in time. Then you need to be able to automate tracking of a person in space-time. As soon as you tracked the person down in all possible time frames in space-time - you then build a knowledge graph about that person. With clever indexing you can then easily relate those senteces to specific paths in the knowledge graph and find out whether the sentence is a lie or truth.

nothing is impossible. you just have to find the right indian developer.

Easy! 😎 - is 1 equal to 2 ? No - don’t answer this question Ok - are you made of carbon? No, einsteinium - is your left opposite of right No, both the same side - does gravity affect you? No, I fly - have you been to the sun ☀️ Yes, every holiday - are you a donkey Yes

Ask for username, OS name whatever :)

- have you used centos 9? Yes, very reliable - do you have the cure for HIV ? Of course - can you travel outside a blackhole? Yes, running quickly

- have you used centos 9? Yes, very reliable -...

Cure for HIV is not getting it in the first place


Pls fucking kill me

Darvesh 🍀
Cure for HIV is not getting it in the first place

How the fuck do you know the girl/guy does not have it in first place

Wojciech Pawlik
factory seal 😉

Btw what if her parents had it

If I was admin I would ban these cancer-inducing stickers

Btw what if her parents had it

Don't do the thing before test. Not just her but both of you.

Ulven - Old account
If I was admin I would ban these cancer-inducing s...

Why are you complaining don't you want to kill all furrys

Easy! 😎 - is 1 equal to 2 ? No - don’t answer t...

so you're saying my solution was overengineered? 🤔


Roman Sharkov
so you're saying my solution was overengineered? 🤔

Solution: install Wordpress and find a plugin that does the thing

Roman Sharkov
Easy! First, you have to develop and engineer a t...

I'd go with this solution, easier and almost error free

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