Who could have even imagined that Apple products were expensive? Unthinkable! Outrageous!
Can I marry you pls?
Yeah sex is cool but have you ever received a 5-star rating on a customer case you had literally zero clue how to resolve initially? 😎
Are you going to tell me that Samsung is good for keeping the audio jack next?
And black/white pieces aren't like that because white pieces have more privileges than black pieces. So what is your point?
Can I PM @K11M1 ?
should I upgrade to Big Sur?
Did you break terms of service? Use a VPN maybe?
Is that racism? No.
Russia can’t even block telegram properly and you think they can read it?
It is a tmpfs so it's normal for it to appear and disappear. Do you have an error message or a problem?
Do you deserve high pay or not?
Advanced software architecture: in a distributed database (sharding + replication) environment, writes can be made in a non-blocking manner such that they appear instantaneous...
Do you really think I own a fursuit? Do you think all furries own one? Are you clinically retarded?
Sure. Why do you think Python is popular? Its syntax objectively sucks (forcing indentation levels, when you’re too deep into a source code starts to hurt), it’s also VERY lax...
It's unfortunate because it's a good product... have you tried onivim?
Do you verify Signal keys for every single one of your contacts?
aRe YoU oNlY gOiNg To SaY “No” aNd “cOpE”? aRe YoU sTuPiD
Do you mean different hashing algorithms?
And I quote: Why is that branch called master? Probably because BitKeeper uses "master" for its main branch: