169 похожих чатов

And black/white pieces aren't like that because white pieces have

more privileges than black pieces. So what is your point?

13 ответов

11 просмотров

Americans decided that white piece have more privilege, before that player who goes first picked a color

Ulven - Old account
Prove it.

One of the earliest known mentions of the white opening is in the rules of the Fifth American Chess Congress of 1880, which are available as an ebook online. Rule no. 9 under the ‘Rules To Be Observed in this Grand Tournament’ states: “In each round the players shall have the first move alternatively; in the first game it shall be determined by lot. The one having the move in every case is to play with white pieces.” Until the late 19th century, records of games show that the player who started first would choose the colour of the pieces. The periodical The Chess Player, which documents a series of games from 1851, records that the German Karl Ernst Adolf Anderssen, widely considered the best player of that decade, opened with black against the Baltic German master Lionel Kieseritzky.

Пользователь 61024
Americans decided that white piece have more privi...

The reason why exactly white piece goes first today is order, convention, and reduced headache. It has nothing to do with slaves, nor it has something to do with white power & privilege

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61024
One of the earliest known mentions of the white op...

Why does black start moving in the chinese game Go, then? Explain.

J : Vaccinated 🇨🇦
Wait we're talking about chess?

The conversation is about bending things because otherwise people may get offended.

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61024
Americans decided that white piece have more privi...

Yay aMurricans created chess nice to know it was created in india FYI

J : Vaccinated 🇨🇦
Wait we're talking about chess?

No it's just @yedexyz (racists) trying to comfort himself that he is not racists bcz he loves to associate words



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