169 похожих чатов

Who could have even imagined that Apple products were expensive?

Unthinkable! Outrageous!

36 ответов

3 просмотра

find me another tablet with all the features of iPad

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61024
find me another tablet with all the features of iP...

I don’t care. I have an iPad myself. iPad is the best tablet.

Ulven - Old account
I don’t care. I have an iPad myself. iPad is the b...

i totally agree with you when i grab my friend's iPad, i want to throw my android tablet the fuck away it is MUCH better than ANY android tablet


Пользователь 61024
same thing with an iPhone 😏😏😏

Disagree honestly a mid-range phone does the trick

Пользователь 61024
same thing with an iPhone 😏😏😏

that's why i want to buy iphone 12 mini instead of my android phone

Пользователь 61024
battery is weak

but it's smol this phone is like very smol

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса

Linux desktop sucks. Linux tablets suck even more.

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
buy a mid-range phone

Fuck oversized Android phones.

GGorAA 🇨🇿🇺🇦
but it's smol this phone is like very smol

also i'm win in every way i will still keep my android phone because only there i can use apps for my electric unicycle(and i'm an android developer, i need to have an android phone lol) so, when i need something from an iphone - i have an iphone if i need something from android - i have an android phone if battery dies on one phone - i have another i see no issue in buying an iphone in this situation, also knowing that i already have airpods and a hackintosh machine

Ulven - Old account
Linux desktop sucks. Linux tablets suck even more.

Sry I use linux as my daily driver and it does the trick plus fuck wireless earphones and headphones coz I don't like to charge stuff

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Sry I use linux as my daily driver and it does the...

Nice opinion but an opinion regardless. Linux still sucks and it is ridiculously insecure.

Ulven - Old account
Linux desktop sucks. Linux tablets suck even more.

We're FINALLY getting xwayland on Nvidia though!

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
We're FINALLY getting xwayland on Nvidia though!

Nice! Now let’s fix: - audio - systemd - unsandboxed drivers - unsigned binaries - unencrypted package managers (APT is still HTTP by default) Oh god... Never mind, let’s go back to macOS.

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Are you one of those systems hate cult memeber?

systemd is fucking shit. I’ve seen Alpine Linux, and it’s gorgeous.

Ulven - Old account
Nice! Now let’s fix: - audio - systemd - unsandbox...

Audio - Tried pipewire? systemd - What's wrong with it? Package managers over plaintext - Just force HTTPS?

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Audio - Tried pipewire? systemd - What's wrong wit...

It's useless to talk about systems to him .he is one of those openrc cult member

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Audio - Tried pipewire? systemd - What's wrong wit...

Pipewire is still shit and not default. > just force HTTPS You mean it’s ok to do HTTP by default in 2020? Are you out of your mind man?

Ulven - Old account- Автор вопроса

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