Without any context established, I'd think this was a statement against censorship. When the light is cast on them, they appear to be unable to write/express anymore. But in t...
Is there a recommended distro for a mixture of security and user-friendliness? I've been using Xubuntu mostly for the past year, after switching from Debian. But I like to be ...
You may not have a graphics card, but does your system have an embedded GPU? It's very rare for any system to not have some form of graphics processing unit.
Have you considered Godot? It's completely open, you don't need to deal with licensing, and you get all the profit.
Wasn't it because of Cloudfare awhile back that the hackers were able to exploit the Heartbleed bug?
Would showing GIFs of updates in my Godot engine indie game count as promotion?
Are you sure the map isn't jittering now instead?
How far along is your game project?
Can I see the function handling movement?