pls change the $result to $stmt (the variable name you defined for the output) and can you give me the output of print_r($stmt);exit(); ? (put it right before the switch)
you should remove the php in <?php=$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]?> (the real error should exists before that line, because that line will throw an error) i assume that you never defin...
if you want a not newbie friendly system use PHPAuth, otherwise i can code you something as soon as i get a pc (up to 2 weeks from now) otherwise i can (re)search for somethi...
yeah but i need context to understand something (like why does he tagging me?) otherwise this is weird for me ^^ (the video dont have enough and there was no question before)
what would you do if i speak german right now in this chat? Verbal warn (on first time) Warn or Ban?
i hate water on my phone, however how should i create a secure way for a API-Auth? (for an app by my friend)
for example: why do you have this in your composer package?
are you trying to "set the database font" or do you just have css in your query?
you need to update your php installation (what is your current version?)
and how are you defining ASP core dev? i can build a CRUD instantly so am i a ASP core dev or am i just a Visualstudio user? xd
why not make a if (warns > 30) { ignore }? xd
and what is with 20 AM? ;)
<?= is not deprecated (the only exception)
did you try to set a variable to new Vue and use instead?
and yes i read anything xd should i buy a raspberry pi if i want to use a telegram bot with nodejs?
<?php or <? = Start of PHP code ?> = End of php code
is there a way to use IPFS as a storage in PHP? (like for uploading files etc)
for what is the null argument? (i never used react please dont kill me)
Apple Iframe? ;) why we should use frames anyway? (i realy dont know the reasons anymore)
but i am wondering why i can see it (are you an apple user or in america?)