@BerndMack - any idea on this issue? https://t.me/defiblockchain/160936
I've been getting a lot of "Add-on auth TX failed: Can't sign TX" errors today - anyone else? The message is ""Input not found or already spent". I definitely have the funds a...
A bit confused about auctions. I've successfully made a bid, and this is recorded as "owner" for "highestBid" for the vault in question. But the bid itself (ie, the amount I a...
If I want to swap DFI for (eg) TSLA, is there a direct DEX, or is the route actually DSUD-DFI -> DUSD-TSLA?
I'm getting error code 16 for auction bids (the 1% higher than current bid), but the bid value is nevertheless higher than 1% and the bid is accepted when I look at the vault....
Is anyone currently thinking of swallowing the low DUSD DFI/DEX price and running without a vault?