C# is a OOP-Functional language (but with higher oop grade), in case of that: 1- Everything is not an object, like primitives and immutable types like DateTime or RgbColor, t...
Is there anyone here who has experience with both threejs and babylonjs? Which one do you recommed and why
— Look at it as a fun, not only a competition — Be wise. Easy problems are good for increasing speed and avoiding mistakes but these type of problems don't have any scintific ...
@MKRhere so is this going to be like this forever, just because it breaks web? why not some 'breaking changes' ?
and what is the problem with Null Or Empty? Null means nothing, you are not pointing to anything (and yes, thats not an object) Empty means there is something, but it is empt...
See? Microsoft have lots of free and open source projects. The people who say: "We have the wish of a free world" never compliment Microsoft because of those projects to help ...
Although I agree with you, but the one who chooses C++ usually doesn't care about the purity or impurity. The whole system is almost impure, you have to deal with void* in a l...
Also, We, The C# community can propose changes and PRs to c# design team and GitHub repo. We've already got features like expression bodies member that is developed and added ...
what is nirvana? a non-existing ideal lang?
Telegram is banned in our country too. Our government also requested to read (or maybe write! who knows) messages long time ago. Telegram refused and boom, telegram banned. Wh...
you can unwarn a banned user? 🤔
You are doing the right thing. Even two active players are enough for starting great things. But what if your game worth of reaching 1000 players, and you are loosing them, be...
Translate: Bro, why are these people saying bullshit all the time? I'm just tying to change the topic but they keep saying bullshits.
@GingerPlusPlus If you don't have time for translating eyesguard, can you check if the language file is compatible with the polish lang? the en-US file is here. give me a feed...
Writing non-free extension for a free open source software isn't still a violation to foss?
@maexdimaex this guy says that this is a meaningful word in german, is it right?
only the admins can be a part of thedevs organization in github?
public bool TextBoxesAreEmpty(Control parent){ foreach (Control child in parent.Controls) { if(child is TextBox textbox && textbox.Text?.Length != 0){ ...
tell me this is a function call or a type creation?: Pizza(arg);
How good is a machine gun when it's out of ammo? -- Eminem