How did my loan amount (dUSD) suddenly increase? I earned about -$53 over time with negative interest and suddenly (a few hours) it is -46 Can someone explain what mechanism w...
All decentralized projects have an open repository but there is always a process of approval by a core team. Do you think anyone can go to Bitcoin or Linux kernel repository a...
Is 11 January update for allowing payment of loans with DFI still happening? I wasn't following the updates recently so sorry if I missed anything
Does LM has any fee when you add more liquidity into it . Like if I add 2 DFI and equivalent token, will there be any fee deducted?
I want to move my desktop wallet from one computer to another. Is there any tutorial on how to back and restore? wallet is down for a long time. Not loading the wallet or anything else. Same in mobile as well. However I don't see anything in their Twitter or status. Can someo...
Do we have more details on the proposed goals for 2022? Like what exactly is EVM in practical terms what is on-chain give etc? Like a blog post or YouTube
Does DFX work with US banks?
Even if the APR is zero, it seems that I am getting very small return from my new LM pool. Is it because of the fees?