i logged in to my near wallet. but it asks to migrate to other wallets?
what is near and stnear?
can we put our near in safepal wallet and stake near?
Thanks. Where can i stake?
Different from near?
How to buy on pancake swap. Co tract addrss on bsc?
why would people stake in 100% validators?
how much is the apr expected?
mynearwallet or meteor better?
so if 0% comission means all earning will be auto compounded. but 100% comission means all earned stake will be into my wallet?
i see. will the validators change their comission from time to time?
I am using the velas app on phone. Is this the same?
Anyway for me to transfer from bsc to vlx native?
is wagyu swap the pcs of velas?
means they will auto compound?
do i need to monitor that?