So I can through MM and how? @hex_is_the_way
So I was doing some research and it said to try at a minimum to stake either enough length or enough hex for 1 t share per stake. My plan save up and do that. From 10 years to...
Sacrifice is open? @hex_is_the_way
So the “Staker league” is that a list of everyone staking or just the Staker who use the app? I feel like I can answer this myself haha
How do I find out when sac is?
@hex_is_the_way what’s gwei? Haha
I have close to 3 grand in s&p 500 with a 28% return Ytd should I pull it and buy hex? Haha
How does the ranking and giving our ranks work?
Transfer Coinbase pro to Meta mask instant?
Should i tell my wife every time I buy and stake hex??? 😅
@hex_is_the_way what about buying hex with USDC?
So when you do DCA and buy ether do you save up ether to buy a certain amount of hex or buy hex no matter how little when you can?
Buy hex or keep building up eth??
Can hex hit 1,000? 😎
For the Staker app do you have to get there trust wallet or can you use your existing MM account?
Is ethereum cheapest to buy on meta mask? A larger quantity
So hold off on staking and keep building hex amount?
I have a little shy of 7,000 hex just started recently I want to do a staking ladder what amount and length do you recommend?
@BD84651 I am new to crypto but investing I have done for a while and it’s all long term I feel crypto is similar?
I watched a video where someone traded USDC for hex utilizing hex just for gas fees what y’all think?