#MyAMAQuestion After @Raullen's test of Gandalf, are you going to create a private club for MachinefiNFT holders? with exclusive discounts, early news, new iotex NFTs, reward...
I can't enter Filda from iopay, is there something wrong?
So the buckets created from NFT do not receive burn-drop rewards nor can you put compound in them?
Why was @Christabel0x kicked out of the group?
Anybody knows about wowswap? I just try to claim wow, pay fees but dont claim anything
Mariela is in this group??
Any news about ideathon nft?
I just changed the compound bucket and the amounts have started to add up, I don't know what's happening to the other bucket. could it be checked somehow? Thank you @Iotexbo...
@zimne. Its possible in a short time see a smartphone powered by iotex?
@admin can i put the TG groups of iotex NFT proyects?
could it be the box of a 3D printer? Iotex was working on something similar, some 3D printers connected to iotex that would have proof of work
Are you in their group??
Could someone do me the favor of asking if I'm banned? I don't understand when I never say anything offensive in any group
@Iotexboy @anwar139 @iotxtomoonnnnnnnnnn can i add you to a iotex project for bombard questions?
Discount in meta-pebble mint already on? For MFI holders
Another thing @Iotexboy remember the pic of a case?? Powered by iotex?
where can I ask about a problem with a bucket? avoid DM
Does anyone know anything about the parrotDefi team?
Iotex is EVM?