Is there a place where we can view the amount of tx completed/compute power used that are actually using RLC as payment?
I’ve been slowly accumulating UBT on polygon. I just wanted to verify that the polygon version is officially backed by the team as I couldn’t find anything in the blog about i...
Has ALBT been removed from all chains other than AVA and ETH? CoinGecko only shows contract for those 2 and there is no liq in Quickswap,
Having trouble staking LP to the ORE/ALBT pool on poly. Was able to provide liq, but can’t stake. Tried different browsers and cleared cache, anyone else having issues, or is ...
Any mention so far if staking will be available on non-eth chains? Most of my UBT are held on polygon and I'm wondering if I should be in gas price watch mode to bridge them o...