axios.get instead of myWrappedCurriedGet is duplicate?
yo @TRGWII can I convert fs async stuff the way i want?
@TRGWII so what if I close the server on first error??
function wrap_EFC(func) { return (...args) => new Promise((res, rej) => { try { let params = args ? [...args] : []; params.push(error => { if (error) { rej(error); } else { re...
how do you mock your api? what tools do you use that relate to graphql?
point is, vue angular etc already squeeze your stuff, by a lot. why do this?
the main question is would you install it for your girlfriend?
why would you ever play games on linux?
do i need to use the terminal to copy a file to system folders?or do i need to open the file manager as root?
well then how is installing wine on arch easier than installing it on ubuntu?
well thomas has a point. what if you search for "spotify linux" on google?
so people around the world knock your door to get their arch configured?
and who does the user seek out each time he wants to install ark?
no, does it require root password 200times a day?
would you recommend it for beginners? i dont think so
would you rather have them greeted by arch or gentoo?
can i have mean stack but replace angular with vue?
how do you install .deb or .rpm on arch?
lol ever heard of synaptic?