Greetings everyone Any ideas why Archlinux decided to disable python pip?
Hey everyone, I'm having trouble setting my fan speed. I'm using a dual-fan laptop from Asus Since it's an old one, I need to go with the DKMS kernel module called asus_fan, ...
Is there anything wrong in here that i'm unable to catch ? i'm trying with some games , this one is openra-ra Platform is Linux Engine version is release-20190314 Using SDL...
good evening/morning everyone can anyone give me some advice about if i want to enhance my linux experience on the keyboard mainly ? like less mouse using and more keyboard or...
i needed to add arabic keyboard layout to my archlinux so i used the setxkbmap thing : $ sudo setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,ara -variant ,qwerty_digits -option grp:rctrl_...
good evening everyone any notes on dual booting windows 7 on a laptop with archlinux as a main system ? i got 2 harddrives so i assigned one to linux and i want to make the ot...
i'm wondering what data type should i use for a flash drive to work both on linux & windows, sometimes i need to transfer some files to other people's laptops(they usually use...
anyways, since this isn't a linguistic/political group. i was wondering about a link "Don't ask to ask, just ask" where can i find such insightful stuff to read ? it can reall...
hello everyone.. i've been using i3 since a while now, and i want to try suckless stuff like dwm or something... is there a way to configure dwm to tile like i3 ? or to make ...
Hello guys, any ideas why am i unable to open http sites ? I thought it’s a linux problem but it turns out that it’s the case in all of my devices
Good morning/evening everyone anyone got any lucky running anticheat engines on linux ? like punkbuster, battleye, and Nprotect ? i've been trying to install some online game...
Why would anyone do that then ? Unless their whole browsing experience is dependent on reading text, it’s just so useless
+anyone having issues downloading from youtube using youtube-dl ?
and that wouldn't make any trouble transfering files bigger than 4GB ?
Did they have any kind of a reason or an argument even if it’s invalid ? Or was it just a satire ?
good evening everyone i need some help in mpd it suddenly stopped loading my music, i check the config file and the directories are right. any ideas on how to crack this ?
64 mb of RAM ? that's really small some say TinyCore linux is good for older computers, but i'm not sure if you can install a web browser on it or not.
isn't kde full of bugs and issues ?
and that can't be changed ?
so since in a live environment i'm not actually inside his machine, is there an approach to copy the files in his harddrive?