Hi, i want learn python for big data and work with pandas or something like that do you have any document or movie or any other suggestion for helping me? i know basic python ...
Hi, i need to deploy wordpress and owncloud under docker, but both of them needs mysql how can i write docker-compose file to deploy them? i can deploy wordpress with mysql wi...
I'm developing react.js project for my own I used react-infinite-scroller component in my code but when I scroll down my loadMore function for requesing to my api not working....
Hi, I have about 600 gig data about 4 mil record how many ram i need for processing with spark and get some query like select and aggregation and order them?
🤔 can u see this doc? http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/Django_and_nginx.html in this section: Make uWSGI startup when the system boots you can see what can...
sorry one more question if i want to do this localy i should use npx agains npm? in website tutorial they use -g for npm and if i don’t use -g i can’t use create-react-app mod...
🤔 you mean i should create a service for this command? uwsgi --ini ./mysite.conf?
Hi, where you guys looking for news of IT and other things like that?
Hi, I recently want to develope react js. I am developing django and python along side it. have we anything like virtualenv in python for react js and npm ?
sorry but i didn’t understand. I just want to develope localy and don’t install my module globaly. what’s your suggestion for this perpose?
🤔 I quick start section of their site they used -g option and i think it’s global. if I don’t use it so that’s all virtual right?
Hi, i must learn R or python for work on big data and spark perhaps what is your suggestion to learn which one?
😅 Thanks I will try to learn it should i learn something special for python library to work with big data?
virtual matchin?? i can't understand relation to my question... can u explain to me?
Hi, can i ask link of other group here?
are you exactly wrote this code?
WHERE IS ARHC??????????????