How can I make my kotlin app to get updated automatically on new versions? (without user downloading manually) I mean something like code push in react native
I'm gonna use an api named coinranking. How to know if it uses cdn?
What's web server of hosting platforms like Netlify, Firebase, Heroku etc?
It's been a while since I quit my job to Sharpen my skills and learn new tools and things to apply for a better position How can I update my LinkedIn for this period? What to...
I'm mapping through an array to get some img urls But some images (despite of returning them) onError throw network error and show in console How can i catch i it to prevent t...
I'm on branch dev git merge dev What will this command do?👆
"firebase.auth(). currentUser" on weak network throws error of "auth/internal-error" Has anyone faced this error on bad network?
What's protocol for exchanging data on apps like telegram? Instagram?
Is it like the ISP changes IP of every device on new connections?
This is my code to get user auth on firebase. The problem is when I'm offline it throws an error `auth/internal error`, but the promise doesn't catch it and app crashes!! I ...
A web server is also needed to run front code like js? Or only needed for back code
What's the kinda opposite for run-time? Dev time or what?
How's the lifecycle of execution/run time of a program? How long a program is in execution time/state? Is it like the program stays in execution time as long as the program is...
const curry =(fn) =>{ return curried = (...args) => { if (fn.length !== args.length){ return curried.bind(null, ...args) } return fn(...args); }; } What's ...
Does using var affect performance as it gets included in global object!?
What happens if as coder in a company I can not dispatch the task on deadline in cause not knowing some topic and need more time to learn it, or facing a wired bug that takes ...
for(let i= 0; i < 5; i++){ SetState(i) } Is this considered as side effect?
Can't google index the pages on dark web? Or doesn't want to?